Case of the Month:  July 2005

A 95yo male is brought to the OR for cystoscopy and TURBT.  You've seen his name on the add-on schedule for days, and you've prayed that he not come to your room, but alas there was no avoiding it...he's all yours now!  He lives alone and has a nurse that visits him daily, and was doing well and managing to get around his apartment with a walker until he developed painless hematuria.  He was admitted and treated for a UTI, developed urosepsis, went into congestive heart failure, had an MI, and was ultimately found to have a bleeding bladder tumor.

His past history is significant for hypertension, critical AS, a few MIs (most recently the week prior to the proposed operation), and CHF which is "fairly well controlled with prn Lasix" per the medicine note.  The cardiology note mentions an EF of 25% and states that he is "at high risk of perioperative event even with a low risk procedure".  Cheerful and optimistic, isn't it?

Question 1:  What are the anesthetic goals of managing a patient with critical AS?
Question 2:  What are the anesthetic goals of managing a patient with CHF?
Question 3:  What are the anesthetic goals of managing a patient with a recent MI?

He comes to the preop area slightly confused but looking pretty good, and his BP is 95/50 with a HR of 70.  He has slight rales on bilateral lung exam, but seems to be in no respiratory distress while laying flat in the gurney.

Question 4:  OK smarty, so how are you going to reconcile all of these goals in this patient?  What's your detailed anesthetic plan to include monitoring, induction and/or regional technique, airway management, maintenance, pain control, fluid replacement, etc.

Extra Credit Questions (required for full credit, so not really extra I guess)

Question 5:  How old is the oldest documented patient to undergo an operative procedure in the anesthetic (and I think all medical) literature?
Question 6:  How old is the oldest person alive today?  How about the oldest person ever?
Question 7:  What is your personal prescription for longevity?

The first person to email me a COMPLETELY CORRECT answer at wins a prize and the adoration of the entire department!

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