Airway obstruction/management in the
PACU A morbidly obese female
s/p gastric bypass is now desaturating into the mid 80's in the PACU.
She was intubated awake initially due to her airway anatomy.
What are some of the potential
causes that enter your mind? You should be able to come up with at
least five!
Assuming she needs to be
reintubated, list in detail what you want brought to you by the anesthesia
technician. Would you intubate her awake again or do a RSI? Justify
your answer.
How does CPAP work in obese
patients with sleep apnea?
References: (note, all residents should have access to Anesthesiology
articles online if they receive the journal. Many other journals are
available with a USF account through MD Consult...just access it from the
departmental home page)
Benumof JL. Obstructive
sleep apnea in the adult obese patient: implications for airway management.
Anesthesiol Clin North America. 2002 Dec;20(4):789-811.